
Offre de stage et alternance 2024


Detra Note 2024-1 | Option pricing in the Heston model with Physics inspired neural networks

We are pleased to share with you our new Detra Note on Wasserstein boosting trees algorithm for count data published by our our Scientific Advisors, M. Denuit and J. Trufin and our TCP Consultant, Harrison Verelst.

27.03.2024 | Lunch & Learn | Pricing d’options dans un modèle d’Heston : approche par réseaux de neurones avec principe physique (FR)

Participez à notre prochain Lunch&Learn sur le pricing d’options dans un modèle d’Heston : approche par réseaux de neurones avec principe physique.
Lunch & Learn | Option pricing in the Heston model with Physics inspired neural networks

23.04.2024 | Lunch & Learn | Option pricing in the Heston model with Physics inspired neural networks (EN)

Join us for a free and short learning session on option pricing in the Heston model with Physics inspired neural networks.