Talent Accelerator Program (TAP)

“The TAP offers a unique opportunity to discover the different facets of the actuarial profession”

Client perspective

We support young talents in their personal growth and career choice by providing them with coaching and experience. We train them fully into well-rounded self-made professionals fit to your company’s culture and needs, available for hire. At Detralytics, we work with postgraduates carefully coached by our recognised experts. With our Talent Accelerator Program (TAP), we offer them the unique opportunity to rotate through different internal and external projects so that they can get experience, specialise in diverse technical matters and discover their true actuarial, risk management or data science calling. Contracting our talents will provide your company with a fresh and creative view for your R&D missions, with the guarantee that they are supported by experts during the entire process, as well as specifically trained for your mission before and/or during the project in all required matters such as soft skills and technical skills. What’s more, if there is mutual interest, you can hire our talents if you feel they are the right match for your company.

Actuary perspective

Every actuary has different aspirations and talents. The 24-month TAP program offered at Detralytics is an opportunity for you to discover the different facets of the actuarial profession just after graduation by rotating through different internal and external projects. The TAP program allows you to identify positions fulfilling your expectations, boosting your professional career.

80% Practical Experience

During the program, 80% of your time will be spent building practical and technical experience, working on projects with different industry partners: major insurance and reinsurance companies or niche players operating in the EU, pension funds, federal agencies, etc. Those 80% of practical experience will not only offer you variety in terms of industries and domains but also in terms of performed activities, f.ex. an interim project with one of our clients, a training session for a client, a consulting project or an R&D project with support of one of our experts and our Scientific Directors. This will allow you to develop your technical and soft skills.

20% dedicated to personal development and R&D projects

At least 20% of your time will be dedicated to personal development and R&D activities You will be involved in training programs and R&D projects with the support of our Scientific Directors (with the aim to publish at least one paper over the TAP). This will allow you to stay in touch with the academic world and be able to propose state-of-the art support to clients. At your enrolment in the TAP program, our business directors will help you to assess your professional aspirations, strengths and weaknesses.

A personalized development program, tailored to your needs will be established for the 24 months of the TAP, including: Knowledge deepening in an actuarial subject, IT and software (R, Python, …). And if needed, languages and soft skills.

Diversify your experience

During your program, you will be presented with diversified missions tailored to your skills and professional aspirations. We have opportunities in highly technical matters as well as in missions requiring a broader managerial role.

Find your career path

You can leave the program as soon as you have acquired a solid practical background and have identified your professional path. The TAP is by essence open: Every client with whom you work has the possibility to offer you a job offer after your mission and you can benefit from the unique expertise of our business directors to find a position in line with your personal aspirations.

Meet our TAP consultants