Talent Consolidation Program (TCP)

“The TCP offers a unique opportunity to further gain expertise and to set the fundamentals of your career ”

Client perspective

Our consultants will provide expertise to companies requiring a specific skill or temporary support. They can assist you in any subject at the heart of the actuarial, risk management and data science issues. Our experienced consultants will efficiently carry out the tasks entrusted to them by companies in need of actuarial, risk management or data science expertise. They are available to roll out a specific project, answer you company’s needs for a specific skill or give temporary support to compensate for an absence or unexpected departure. Contracting our consultants will provide your company with quality, solution-oriented and quickly available support, backed up by experts if required. They are regularly trained in new techniques, market innovations, technical, but also soft skills that your company might need. What’s more, if the interest is mutual, you can hire our consultants after their mission if you feel there are the right match for your company.

Actuary perspective

Members of the TCP have a first professional experience (a TAP experience, a PhD, a first company experience, …). The 36-month-long TCP aims at introducing new skills needed for the further development of their career (coaching of new employees, business development and technical skills).

Diversified Practical Experience

During the program, TCP Consultants will build further practical and technical experience, working on projects with different industry partners: major insurance and reinsurance companies or niche players operating in the EU, pension funds, federal agencies, etc. These practical experiences will not only offer them a variety, in terms of industries and domains, but also in terms of performed activities. This will allow them to further develop their technical and soft skills.

Coaching and Coordination Experience.

The practical experiences will, as much as possible, be designed so that the TCP Consultants have a ‘coordinator role’ to coach our TAP Consultants on the different projects. Besides this more senior role within the missions, there will also be room for internal coordination or coaching of the TAP Consultants on internal R&D projects, as well as for other internal projects to help Detralytics further grow.

Business Development

The TCP Consultants will play a Business Development-role, as they will be actively involved in the managing of client relationships, the detection of potential mission, the set-up and definition of new missions, ….

Personal Development

During the TCP, our Consultants will be allowed to also develop all kinds of skills, as this is key for Detralytics. A personalised development program tailored to their needs will be established for the 36 months of the TCP.

Meet our TCP consultants