Working At Detralytics

Evolve in a stimulating environment driven by a thirst for knowledge, surrounded by recognized experts.
Young Talents
Grow your experience by completing diversified missions and deepen you expertise thanks to continuous training tailored to your needs and aspirations.
Learn to work differently in a consulting firm that puts your career first.

Talent Accelerator Program (TAP)

“The TAP offers an opportunity to discover the different facets of the actuarial profession”

Every actuary is unique, with different aspirations and talents. The 24-month TAP program offered at Detralytics is an opportunity for you to boost your career and discover the different facets of the actuarial profession just after graduation by rotating through different internal and external projects.

80% practical experience

During the program, 80% of your time will be spent building practical and technical experience, working on projects with different industry partners: major insurance and reinsurance companies or niche players operating in the EU, pension funds, federal agencies, etc.

20% learning and coaching

20 % of your time will be dedicated to internal or external training activities covering all aspects of your career : soft skills, that are necessary to succeed in your career (such as communication, personal and interpersonal skills, leadership); as well as technical skills in line with your career aspirations.

Diversify your experience

During your program, you will be presented 4 different missions tailored to your skills and professional aspirations. We have opportunities in highly technical matters as well as in missions requiring a broader managerial role.

Find your career path

You can leave the program as soon as you have acquired a solid practical background and have identified your professional path. Every client with whom you work has the possibility to propose an job offer after your mission.