The tail index is an important parameter that measures how extreme events occur. In many practical cases, this tail index depends on covariates. In this paper, we assume that it takes a finite number of values over a partition of the covariate space. This article proposes a tail index partition-based rules extraction method that is able to construct estimates of the partition subsets and estimates of the tail index values. The method combines two steps: first an additive tree ensemble based on the Gamma deviance is fitted, and second a hierarchical clustering with spatial constraints is used to estimate the subsets of the partition. We also propose a global tree surrogate model to approximate the partition-based rules while providing an explainable model from the initial covariates. Our procedure is illustrated on simulated data. A real case study on wind property damages caused by tornadoes is finally presented.
Sector: Insurance
Authors: Arthur Maillart &
Christian Y. Robert
Publication: ASTIN Bulletin:
The Journal of the IAA
Date: February 2023
Language: English
About the authors

Athur Maillart
Arthur is a Senior Expert and Innovation Lead at Detralytics. Detralytics’ Innovation Lab supports innovation of the insurance market players and contributes to actuarial science by co-constructing cutting-edge projects with other entities, organising training courses and sharing our knowledge through our publications and open source tools.
Since becoming a PhD in 2021, his missions naturally focus on non-life insurance and machine learning, for which he continues to develop his skills in Python, Git & Linux. Over the past two years, he has built a complete monthly payment calculation tool for a mortgage broker and a credit insurance pricing tool.

Christian Y. Robert
Christian is the Director of ISFA in Lyon (FR) and a professor in Actuarial Science & Statistics. He has experience as the Research Director of the Laboratory of Finance and Actuarial Science at ISFA (Lyon).
Christian is an Honorary Member of the Institut des Actuaires (Paris). He has published more than 50 scientific papers.
At Detralytics, Christian coaches young talents, provides cutting-edge training, fosters innovation and oversees R&D projects.